Use "paid with his life|pay with his life" in a sentence

1. He paid for the foolhardy act with his life.

2. Anyone who disgraces the Κunryongwe's honor... will pay with his life.

3. His dissolute life is inconsistent with his Puritan upbringing.

4. Bardo said his infatuation with Schaeffer dominated his life.

5. His dissolute life is inconsistent with his puritan upbringing.

6. 2 His dissolute life is inconsistent with his puritan upbringing.

7. 4 His life was carefully compartmentalized,( with his work in one city and his social life in another.

8. 3 His dissolute life is inconsistent with his Puritan upbringing.

9. Twenty years of litigation followed before militia leader John D.. Lee paid for the massacre with his life.

10. Or each Atone his guilty love with life

11. He paid with his very life in order to give it” (However Long and Hard the Road [1985], 85).

12. Socrates' pupil Alcibiades was suspected to have been involved, and Socrates indirectly paid for the impiety with his life.

13. 17 Father assured his life with this insurance company.

14. He lived here with his family for the rest of his life.

15. He retained very close links with France throughout his life.

16. His entire working life was spent with the same firm.

17. The child’s eyelids open, and his eyes glisten with life.

18. 6 His life only with a charwoman in the kitchen.

19. It would take him the rest of his life to pay off that loan.

20. Aftershock: Overcoming His Secret Life with Pornography: A Plan for Recovery

21. He tries not to let business interfere with his home life.

22. His life had been good, with friends and an athletic body.

23. She then mates with the transvestite who never risked his life.

24. 30 Colin later took his own life in a bizarre suicide pact with his mother.

25. This period of his life was marked with wonderfully successful experiences.

26. He felt discontented with the way his life had turned out.

27. He decided to lead a more settled life with his partner.

28. His foolishness almost cost him his life.

29. His cocaine habit was ruining his life.

30. After six months of meetings with the missionaries, his life completely changed.

31. With no help from the authorities, his life has 'Avalanched' into despair

32. Towards the end of his life, MacDiarmid was ill with myelodysplastic syndrome.

33. 6 Her bravery has given him the will to carry on with his life and his work.

34. His platform is his life story and his political career.

35. He abjured his religion/his life of dissipation.

36. Ranjit wins the elections after the heavy bloodshed but his bonhomie with Maulana will cost his life.

37. He Abjured his religion/his life of dissipation.

38. To save his life, doctors Amputated his legs

39. Whoever provokes his anger risks his own life.

40. To save his life, doctors amputated his legs.

41. His life fit him better than his clothes.

42. All his debt was paid off with cash.

43. He Abjured his religion/his life of dissipation

44. His attitude towards his life is Carpe diem.

45. His daring may have cost him his life.

46. Claggert cleared his throat. " Pooch saved his life. "

47. His life he freely gave,

48. His perseverance with the new technique paid off.

49. My father was struggling with his own things for most of my life.

50. 28 Compared with my life, his has always been a bed of roses.

51. His life is gradually ebbing.

52. Never was he distressed but smiled with a grin fixed to his face without changing, depicting his life.

53. His misfortunes spurred Galt to write with renewed vigour and until near the end of his life his output was voluminous.

54. My dad was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the prime of his life.

55. Life is his sacred gift.

56. His life was ebbing away.

57. She made his life hell.

58. Aladdin's Hovel: A run-down hovel where Aladdin spent most of his young life, with his monkey Abu

59. Why, he sacrificed his own life for his disciples!

60. 7 He never let his work dominate his life.

61. 3 He abjured his religion/his life of dissipation.

62. Kingsmill largely segregated his domestic from his literary life.

63. Losing his job changed his whole outlook on life.

64. Only his wife had access to his inner life.

65. His wife's death left a vacuum in his life.

66. His illness affects almost every aspect of his life.

67. Now his Bandmates recall his life and shocking death

68. After his accident, he had to restructure his life.

69. His looseness in life has gravely affected his work.

70. You took his wife, then you took his life...

71. They come to that man or woman who accepts his life with radiant acquiescence.

72. Schubert's friendship with Spaun began at the Stadtkonvikt and lasted throughout his short life.

73. He could do his work in life efficiently with a background of domestic comforts.

74. 7 Clair, with his goatee, bowl haircut and perennially puzzled look, to querulous life.

75. If he is found missing, your life will have to take the place of his life,*+ or else you will pay a talent* of silver.’

76. Elkind's book is an anatomy of one man's discussion with his son about life.

77. She was sticky with his blood, could smell the metallic tang of spilled life.

78. Filled with fear; frightened: Afraid of ghosts; Afraid to die; Afraid for his life

79. He started his own business last year, after a brief flirtation with political life.

80. And yet all his life, his integrity warred with a flair for the theatrical, a fondness for tall tales.